'Botatize Your Business' Ai Intensive

Get your clients more profound results and get ready for explosive business growth by adding personalized and highly effective Ai tools to your marketing & client delivery

3 Days • Massive Momentum • Hawai'i Island

August, 2024

Ai Your Zone of Genius


Experience Hawai'i

90 Days of Progress in 3 Days

What happens when a small group of driven business owners get together to learn, mastermind, have fun, and implement? Massive momentum is what happens!

  • Strategize & design you Ai-driven business model

  • Design & build your Ai-driven front end offer

  • Implement and get ready to launch your Ai-driven marketing funnel

Become a Category of One


Elevate your offers & dominate your category by creatively & effectively incorporating personalized Ai tools into your business that converts more leads into clients and that gets clients more profound and impactful transformation.

Elevate Your Offer


  • Analyze and identify your Category of One market opportunity

  • Incorporate personalized Ai tools into your business model

  • Upgrade your core offer and make it irresistible with Ai

Irresistibly Attract


  • Attract & convert ideal clients with personalized Ai tools that provide early transformation

  • Map out and build your followup workflows

  • Learn how to convert front end sales into high ticket clients without sales calls

Overdeliver with Ai


  • Map out and begin building your personalized Ai solutions

  • Create and develop your Ai-driven front-end offer

  • Customize your funnel & personalize your followups using Ai


About Your Host

Since 2015, founder of Perfect Little Business, Cindy Anne Molchany has created over 70 different online programs for her 7 & 8 figure clients - in addition to running her own coaching and course business, Course Paradise.

The client programs she has created have generated over $100M in revenue, have impacted millions of lives, and have ranged from stand-alone courses and coaching programs to masterminds, MRR content, challenges and virtual events.

Cindy is a regular feature and coach in programs such as Taki Moore's Black Belt, and her services and coaching are always in high demand because she brings a unique mix of Instructional Design and Digital Marketing experience to the table -- as well as a healthy obsession for Client Success.

In 2023 Cindy started incorporating Ai into what she was doing with her top-tier agency clients and immediately saw the profound impact of partnering her 'zone of genius' with Ai. Her clients got better, faster results while her business revenue quickly started to grow.

She's now on a mission to help other coaches, consultants and online service providers use Ai creatively to create personalized marketing and delivery experience that actually fosters the human connection that grows a business.

What You Can Expect




  • Fast-track Ai business training & implementation

  • Business Coaching from Cindy Molchany

  • Workshopping & Tech facilitation



  • Go faster together with a small cohort of like-minded business owners

  • Individual goals combined with collective wisdom and feedback



  • Night Swim with Manta Ray

  • Boat & Snorkel Excursion

  • Relax & Enjoy Hawai'i

  • Experience local cuisine

  • Enjoy all that Kona has to offer

The Botatize Intensive Itinerary


Pre-Intensive Pre-Requisites

  • 1:1 Game plan Session with Cindy (90 Min)

  • Go through pre-intensive training & workbooks (90 min)

Arrival Day

  • Arrive in Kailua-Kona (KOA) at your convenience

  • Hotel Check-in

  • In-room welcome basket & light eats provided

Traveling to Hawai'i can require an adjustment depending on distance traveled. No activities or group events planned this day to allow you to settle in and rest.

Day #1: Elevate Your Offer

  • AM Session: Breakfast* (hosted), Welcome & Workshop

  • Break & Lunch on your own

  • PM Session: Workshop Continues

  • Afternoon Break

  • Welcome Dinner* (hosted)

Day #2: Irresistibly Attract

  • Sunrise Breakfast* Mastermind (hosted)

  • AM Session

  • Mid-Day Activity, Rest & Lunch Break

  • PM Session with Pupus* (hosted)

  • Manta Ray Night Swim

Day #3: Overdeliver with Ai

  • AM activities on your own

  • Early Lunch* (hosted) Mastermind Session

  • PM Session

  • Farewell Dinner* (hosted) with Group

Day #4: Boat & Snorkel Excursion

  • Snorkel Cruise Mastermind & Lunch* (hosted) 7:30am - 1pm

  • Depart on your own

Most flights depart Hawai'i in the late afternoon or evening (many flights are 'red eyes'), which means you will likely have a late checkout and time on your hands in the afternoon to explore the Kona coast.

Post-Intensive Follow Up

  • 8x weekly Coaching & Momentum Sessions with Cindy

  • Implementation Calls & Launch Call with Birdie support crew

Destination: Keauhou Bay

The location of our intensive is one of the most enchanting and sacred places in all of Hawai'i. It was once home to Hawaiian Royalty ("Ali'i"), and is where King Kamehameha III was born.

It also happens to be where I grew up and where I call 'home'.

Keauhou Bay has energy to it, and I've felt that energy (and been drawn to it) ever since I was a small child.

I've often referred to it as my 'solar plexus' - years before I knew about the concept of the 3rd Chakra - The Solar Plexus Chakra - the source of our inner strength and determination.

Which is what Keauhou Bay is to me in physical space.

Just like our 3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra, this intensive - taking place in Keauhou Bay - gives us the courage and tenacity to pursue our dreams and achieve our goals.

The Outrigger hotel sits on the south side of Keauhou Bay. It offers a nod to the charm of the past while appealing to the discerning luxury-loving traveler. The grounds are take-your-breath away beautiful, the rooms are awesome, and the views you will want to stare at all day and night.

The location at Keauhou Bay also happens to put us right at the epicenter of water activity in Kona. From this bay we will swim with Manta Ray, paddleboard, and depart for a snorkel cruise.


What island is this on and what airport is closest?

The Botatize Intensive takes place on Hawai'i Island (aka "The Big Island"). This is NOT Honolulu, which is on the island of O'ahu. Hawai'i Island is the southern most island in the chain, and it is Da' Best!

The retreat is located in a little enclave called Keauhou on the Kona Coast. We are known for calm ocean waters, beautiful weather, and green flash sunsets.

The airport you will fly in and out of is Kailua Kona (KOA). There are several direct flights from major US and international cities as well as numerous daily flights to and from other Hawaiian Islands.

Can I arrive early or stay late?

Absolutely! We can even help out with recommended itineraries and must see activities.

What are the requirements to attend?

If you are interested in attending the Botatize Intensive, you must apply to to attend here.

Cindy only accepts businesses she feels she can help. This means that you must:

1) be an existing coach, consultant or online service provider

2 have an existing offer that has generated sales. Cindy loves working with startups, but this Intensive is best for those with validated offers.

3) be in a niche that has significant opportunity for growth and sales

4) be in a niche that Cindy connects with and feels like she can contribute ideas for. This generally means niches connected to business, digital marketing, health, and relationships.

Niches that will not be accepted for this round of the Botatize Intensive:

  • Personal Development - unless you are very drilled and dialed down in your messaging and have a solid track record of sales

  • Financial Services, Crypto, Investments - too many variables with Ai at this moment to build solid, personalized tools around. Too much risk with the Ai.

  • There may be others. If you're not accepted, it doesn't mean that you're not awesome and your business is not great; it's just that Cindy & team may not be the best solution for you!

What if my business partner, life partner, best friend, kids, etc wants to come?

Every registered business will get their own double occupancy accommodations and can bring whomever they want to share their room with at no extra cost for accommodation (up to 4 people total per room).

If you plan to bring a business partner and/or friend or family member that you want to attend meals and activities planned for the intensive, there will be an additional supplement charged per person.

Because of the nature of this business intensive, we ask that no children under 18 attend the official intensive events.

If you have a question about additional charges and/or for additional rooms or attendees, this can be discussed during a call with Cindy. Apply to attend the Intensive here.

What can I expect from this intensive?

If you attend this intensive, you can definitely expect the following: to be asked to think differently, to get creative, to be challenged, to laugh, to cry (good tears only, I hope), to be inspired, to love, to question, to wonder, to take action, to implement, to get excited, to anticipate, and to get incredibly eager to get your upgraded offer into the world.

If you attend this intensive, you can definitely expect to be supported. This August workshop will be the first run of the Botatize Intensive, and just like any "beta" program I offer, I go ALL IN to ensure my beta participants get the white glove, royal treatment in an absolute all-out commitment to ensure that what you sign up to get is what you receive.

The itinerary is a suggestion, things may go off script, and we may run out of time during sessions if the conversation gets really good.

But mark my words, there will be follow through.

In no way will we get your Botatized offer launched while you're in Hawai'i. That's never the promise. My intent is to get you 85% of the way there while in Hawai'i with 15% to be completed and done post intensive. Best case scenario we get you 90% of the way launched while together, worst case scenario - 75%.

Just being honest. I'm not here to waste anyone's time. If you're not willing to put in some work once you get home to get your Botatized offer launched, don't bother applying.

But if you see the value of getting 80%+ of your Botatized offer underway in a 3 days with a bit of follow through needed on the back end in the week or two after, then this is the event for you.

What's Included

  • 4 night hotel accommodations + resort fees (including wifi)

  • 2 meals daily (day 1-3) and 1 meal on optional day 4

  • All activities included in the itinerary

  • Drinks and snacks during working sessions

  • Perfect Little Business 'Botatize' Accelerator 90 Day Program Access

What's NOT Included

  • Round-trip airfare to Kailua-Kona, Hawai'i (airport code = KOA)

  • Transportation to and from the hotel

  • Additional meals that are not included in itinerary

  • Resort incidentals and any additional expenses

About Perfect Little Business

Perfect Little Business is designed to be a sanctuary for solopreneur coaches, consultants, and service providers who are determined to earn "rich people" money from a well designed lifestyle business.

Founded on the belief that business success doesn't equate to scale, but to satisfaction and impact, we stand as a beacon for those seeking a lucrative yet uncomplicated business.

Our mission? To arm you with the tools and strategies to craft a business that not only thrives financially but is also joyous and straightforward to operate.

Ready to Meet Up in Hawai'i?

Questions? Send Cindy a DM

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